
Islam as a faith sets out a way of life for its believers, which includes a comprehensive set of ethical rules and laws known as Sharia.

These Islamic principles also apply to businesses, giving confidence to Muslim investors and customers that the company’s operations, including how it is financed and all its products and services, are fully compliant with the same ethical, Sharia rules that they abide by.

The four main Sharia principles that govern Sama Investment Group and our work as property investors and developers are to be ethical, clear, transparent, and refrain from actions which are prohibited under Islam.


We are required to have a positive impact on society and the environment from any activity we undertake as sama. It means our projects must be ethical from concept to delivery.


All contracts and broader business and investments correspondence and communications we undertake must be clearly written and free of ambiguity for all parties involved.


Operational transparency is paramount. All risks, for example, must be clearly outlined and the burden of loss and profit-share fairly distributed between us and our partners and investors.


We are prohibited from certain types of commercial investments which are deemed harmful to society. These include, for example, investing in any organisations, schemes or assets that are related to gambling, adult entertainment, alcohol, tobacco, and military arms.

As a Sharia-compliant firm, we are also forbidden from giving or receiving any interest, preventing us from using conventional banking and insurances.